

Phase 1 (or Years 7-8) is a very important time where students will lay the foundations for their success at GCSE. Students are enrolled onto our Graduation programme, and if they meet the challenging targets below, they will be able to graduate from Phase 1, or even graduate with honours. The Graduation journal will track their progress towards meeting the requirements to graduate. At the end of Year 8, if students have met all the minimum requirements, they will graduate. Like at university, students will wear a cap and gown, and be presented with a certificate. There will then be a special ceremony where they will celebrate their achievements with their parents/carers.

There are, however, a few requirements students must meet in order to graduate. These include:

  • µþ±ðÌýdedicated to attending the Academy – 96% Attendance​
  • Conduct yourself well – Bronze award for Achievement Points ​
  • µþ±ðÌýdedicated to attending graduation clubs – 75% Attendance ​
  • Conduct yourself well in lesson – Good attitude to learning across all subjects ​
  • ³§³ó´Ç·ÉÌýpride in Trinity Talks  – 6 events per year​
  • µþ±ðÌýdedicated to Masters of Recall – Meet personalised target

There are different tiers of Graduation, dependent on how many criteria your child meets, ranging from a First Class to a Third.

Students are regularly updated and advised of their progress towards these targets. All students have a Graduation Journal to allow them to check whether they are on track and, if not, set targets accordingly. Students who exceed these targets will aim to become part of the elite group of students who graduate with honours.

Trinity Challenge

Trinity Challenge is an exceptional opportunity for all Year 9 students to participate in our co-curricular program. This initiative builds upon our Graduation program and aims to provide a diverse range of opportunities that will nurture their resilience as learners and ignite a thirst for knowledge and new experiences.

Trinity Challenge not only offers a platform for your children to build their character but also promotes and supports their overall health and wellbeing. By taking part in this initiative, they will engage in projects that embody our professional standards, allowing them to develop important skills that will benefit them both in and out of the classroom.

Throughout the year, your children will face challenges that require exemplary conduct and unwavering dedication, especially when engaging with the community, such as following an orienteering trail or pledging to support their local environment. The importance of organisation will also be emphasised as they take responsibility for completing various challenges in their own time, such as changing a bed or reading a chapter of a book to someone at home. As they reflect on their progress, they will take great pride in their achievements and the values they are building upon.

Completing 15 challenges will earn your child the prestigious Bronze Trinity Challenge Award, as well as recognition for the Skills section of their Duke of Edinburgh award. As they push themselves further, they can strive for the Silver Trinity Challenge Award upon completing 20 challenges and the esteemed Gold Trinity Challenge Award upon conquering 25 challenges.

To assist your child in this transformative journey, they have been provided with a hard copy of the booklet, which will guide them throughout Trinity Challenge. Additionally, an electronic copy is available for completion at home. We encourage them to collate and email evidence to the designated contact for each challenge, as indicated in the booklet.

Trinity Challenge embodies our commitment to the personal development of our students and instils a sense of pride, resilience, and dedication in our students. We invite you to join us and support your child throughout this important journey in Year 9.


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Trinity Scholars

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